Destination UK: Cardiff – March 2018 – Issue 273



Cardiff has transformed itself from a stark centre of industry to a modern, youthful capital city engaging with the world all over again.

Things to see and do

While it may fly under the radar as far as city breaks go, Cardiff may surprise visitors with its vibrancy and charm. As befits a national capital, Cardiff has a long and storied history stretching back to the building of Cardiff Castle, through the booming Victorian era when coal dominated all walks of life, right up to the new millennium and the transformation of the Cardiff Bay area. That history is celebrated and preserved in a number of museums throughout the city, most notably in the National Museum Cardiff and St Fagan’s National History Museum. The National Museum has various collections of archaeology, botany, and geology and also includes the National Museum of Art with works by Renoir, Rodin, Picasso and many more. St Fagan’s is an open air museum that chronicles the history of Wales through more than 40 buildings including a nonconformist chapel, a village schoolhouse and a tannery.

Read more in the March issue…


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