Al Fresco Kitchens – June 2024 – Issue 346


Al Fresco Kitchens

As our outdoor spaces continue to become an extension of our interior we look at how to achieve the ultimate in outdoor cooking.

The boundaries between indoor and outdoor have become increasingly blurred and nowhere is this more evident than with our kitchen and dining areas. Where al fresco cooking once involved a simple dusting off of the barbecue and wheeling it out at the first glimpse of sunshine, nowadays we’re on the lookout for ways to maximise and enjoy our space with more consistency. Whatever the weather. Even the average garden is now becoming a more functional and stylish living space in its own right and the outdoor kitchen is no longer reserved for just the luxury end of the market with more and more people finding ways to incorporate a designated exterior cooking space. While the sky is the limit when it comes to the size, scale and cost of an outdoor kitchen, with a little creativity everyone can make the aspirational attainable and create a space that works within their budget.

Read more in the June issue…


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