Bangor Home – January 2023 – Issue 329


Artist’s Residence

Artist Cora Duncan has added her own distinctive flair to her Bangor home, which is furnished with an eclectic mix of furniture and decorative accessories.

Cora and her husband Jon moved from Belfast to Bangor in 2009. As Cora explains, ‘I am originally from Ballygawley and Jon is from Bangor. For work we had been living in Belfast and had a lovely war widow’s bungalow in south Belfast which I loved. However, while working as a management consultant with PWC I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I was travelling every week and life was busy and stressful, so I made the decision to slow down my pace of life and put my health first. This meant leaving my job, rediscovering my love of art, and in turn, relocating to live by the sea.

Read more in the January issue…


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