My Home – June 2024 – Issue 346


My Home: Royal Hillsborough

Communications expert and social butterfly Janet Kerrigan travels extensively for work but she is proud to call Royal Hillsborough, Co. Down home.

My name is Janet Kerrigan and I live in Royal Hillsborough, Co. Down, a place I’m proud to call home. I’m a sunshine person and am fortunate to have travelled extensively for work and pleasure. I currently travel a lot for work which makes me appreciate the comforts of home even more and love having everything I need on my doorstep when I’m not working. I’m a Libra, and we’re known for liking the finer things in life and being social, so when I’m not making the most of everything the village has to offer, you’ll often find me spending time with friends in Belfast and beyond, if there’s a celebration I’m there!

Read more in the June issue…


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