October 2015 – Issue 244
October 2015 Now that Autumn is here and the days are getting much shorter, we…
October 2015 Now that Autumn is here and the days are getting much shorter, we…
Family Fortune Eily, an interior designer, and her husband, Conor live in this beautiful cottage…
Atlantic Dream Clodagh and husband Pat live in this refurbished and extended stone cottage built…
Home Sweet Home Nanda and Wiktor have created the perfect cosy nest for their family…
Open Up Jenny and Simon wanted a larger open-plan kitchen that would improve the use…
Cookin’ Good! A kitchen is nothing if it isn’t functional! Take a look through some…
Totally Floored Whatever your interior needs – carpet, wood, laminate or tiles – here is…
Heating Special This issue we get ready for autumn/winter by looking at ways to add…
Grow your own Bird Food, By Deirdre Prince Attracting wildlife, especially birds, into your garden…
Luxembourg This largely rural country is amongst the three richest in the world, but Luxembourg…